Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Blank Spaces











In the course of reading, we often find blank spaces on a page.  These indicate times of transition from one thought to another. Or indicate a passage of time.  Sometimes it just visually breaks up enormous blocks of tiny print, so that one argument or situation does not appear so overwhelming.  The gaps cut a huge thought or development into bite-size bits that we can swallow and digest.

We can take a breather.  And then jump back into the train of thought.

Or in the case of a story, the vacancy is inserted when one scene fades out, and the story is about to move on. A shift in time or place has occurred.  Or the characters have developed. The white space on the page might as well be marked "And then."  The story is not over.  But a new section is about to be revealed.

It is not that nothing going on, but something is happening, perhaps too much for us to comprehend at the moment.  The story progresses and then, and then, and then.  We need to wait a moment, not for the story to catch up, but for us to absorb, think about, and get ready for the next.  

It is a time of preparation.  A time to grow into the narrative which occurs on so many levels.  It is not the end, but the and then.

In life, we sometimes come upon what appears as blank spaces when nothing seems to be progressing, or growing, or happening.  Where is God in those times?  He has not abandoned us.  He is drawing us deeper into relationship with Him.  Profound purposes reside in those spaces.

Over and over in Scripture, God calls us to wait on Him.  Indeed, at least seven words in the Hebrew and Greek combined can be translated as wait.  

But wait is not to be equated as late. Nor does its meaning hang on the uncountable times your mom promised, "Just wait a minute," never intending to do anything.  

It is not that God is ever late or not prepared.  The reality is that time, place, or we ourselves are not yet ready for what unfolds next.  God already knows the chronicle of His faithfulness in our lives. Even what is yet to come.  And then.  And then.  And then.  Steps upon steps.  Layers upon layers.  That which we cannot yet see or grasp, but continually and gloriously revealed in all eternity.

The blank spaces are full of His wonders.  What only appear as gaps notify us not just to stay tuned, but to trust Him even more.  And waiting on Him will get us there.  The story is not over.  The white space on the page is not even an intermission of sorts, but God's grand narrative revealed and redeemed.

If we really knew what was happening, we would not consider it a blank space at all.

Wait for the LORD;

be strong, 

and let your heart take courage;

wait for the LORD!

               Psalm 27.14