Thursday, August 30, 2012

“Doesn’t Matter”…But What If It Does?

Does spending time in God’s Word every day REALLY make a difference?  I mean, seriously, I am busy and isn’t that just one more thing to add to my list?

But what if it does?

What if it changes me just a little? 

      Changes even one word of mine, from tearing down to building up.

      Changes my vision so that I see the need in someone

                    rather than how annoying she has been. 

      Changes me to extend an intentional act of kindness. 

              Or render a harsh word unsaid.

What if, as a result, it changes my direction in where I go today and what I do and who I meet?

What if it builds up strength day after day

                to not give up?

                   Or keep me from going over the


What if someday it literally saves my life?

What if it gives me the audacity to walk away from temptation?

     Or convinces me of injustice and what to do about it?

What if it makes a profound impact three generations from now?

               Or on my co-worker or spouse

               or toddler who mimics my every move?

What if it makes me a little more like Him?

The Bible is not just ancient words printed on paper

but the very Word of God,

living and breathing

and full of more power than I can comprehend.

Time in His Word is never wasted.

It will always bear fruit and not return void.

It will change the course of your life twenty years from now,

        it will change your life this afternoon.

You are different because you have spent time with God.

It matters more

       than you can ever know.


For the Word of God is living and active,

sharper than any two-edged sword,

piercing to the division of soul and spirit,

of joints and marrow,

and discerning

the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

                              Hebrews 4.12

Your Word is a lamp to my feet

and a light to my path.

                         Psalm 119. 105

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