Saturday, August 19, 2017

I just followed you here

Our Sunday School class had already started, when she entered the room.  A woman that I did not know sat across from me on the edge of the large circle, but seemingly engaged and listening intently to the discussion.

As our teacher began to dismiss us, she spoke up.  "I came early to church today with the intention of going to the first service," she said.  "I had heard about this class, but I was reluctant to go."

She hesitated a moment.  "And then, I saw you," she said, pointing to my friend Sandy.  "I followed you up here."  My friend had no idea.

"I just wanted to say what a blessing this group was to me this morning."

A few minutes later, as I sat in the church service, her words resounded through my thoughts like a repeating echo.  "I followed you up here."

And when we get to the other side of life, how many people we do not even know, or we would never suspect, will say the same to us, "I followed you up Here."

Faithfulness to God is contagious.  It does not just change the course of your life, but all those who are around you ...and even those yet unborn.

You never know who is watching you, carefully observing on Whom you stake your life and what difference God makes in you, not just in the "big events," but in the every day stuff of life, which always turns out to be the most significant of all.

Others are watching to see if God is real.

Who is following you to Him?

"Let us go with you,
for we have heard
that God is with you."

             Zechariah 8. 23

1 comment:

Claudia Gerwin said...

Amazing insight! Thank you for this reminder today, that we are being watched, and followed - may the Father have all the glory and praise!