Sunday, February 4, 2018

Peek a' Boo

Our three youngest grandsons are active little boys ages 18 and 19 months on a mission to discover the wonders of the world -- as fast as they can and into everything.  Wow, look at this.  We haven't tried that yet!  Nothing is sacred when they are around.

I love their awe and delight in exploring, not just something new, but often the same thing over and over again, such as reading the same book a million times, rolling a ball back and forth, or spinning a toy car across the floor. 

Peek a' boo is one of their favorite games. When I call out, "Where's Daniel?"  Suddenly, accompanied by a squeal, his little head pops out from around the corner.  "There he is!"  I don't have to look far.  I really don't even have to ask.  Because I know he is there.  And it is in his nature to reveal himself -- over and over again. To his great delight and mine.

One of the big questions of life is also about revealing. "Is there a God?"  This past Wednesday before dawn, I was pondering the immensity of that question as I headed out to Bible study, which meets across town.  As I merged onto the interstate, I thought deeply about how to explain the existence of God to someone who is looking for proof, and to those asking "God, where are You?"

As I traversed the flyover where Interstate 65 intersects with I-24, I was suddenly distracted.  Stretched out before me, spanning the horizon, painted in "take-my-breath-away" colors across the sky, was the sunrise.

"God, where are You?"  He responded with His Presence.

It was almost like He said, "Like that?  Ok, I'll do it again tomorrow."  Again and again and the day after that, too, so precisely that its timing can be calculated to the second, even hundreds of years from now.

I don't have to look far for Him.  I really don't even have to ask.  Because I know He is there.  And it is in His nature to reveal Himself -- over and over again.  To His delight and mine.  How much do I miss because I am not even looking?

Does God exist?  "Here I am."

Closer than you think.

The heavens are telling the glory of God,
and the firmament proclaims His handiwork.
Day by day pours forth speech,
and night to night declares knowledge.

                                Psalm 19. 1-2

And when you get to the bottom line,
wading through the philosophical discussions,
thinking about the intricacy of scientific design,
and asking the big questions of life,
you find the most incomprehensible of all
that has been there all along:
                                   His steadfast love.
           to a relationship with the Creator of the Universe,
                             and the Creator of you.

But don't take my word for it.
What does God's Word say?

For I know the plans I have for you,
                      says the LORD,
plans for welfare and not for evil,
to give you a future and a hope.
Then you will call upon Me
and come and pray to Me,
                  and I will hear you.
You will seek Me
                  and find Me;
when you seek Me with all your heart,
               I will be found by you,
                                   says the LORD...

                           Jeremiah 29. 11-14

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