Thursday, May 6, 2021

Seeing the Forest and the Trees

Two days ago, my six-year-old granddaughter and I were headed to the public library for a curbside pick-up, on just an ordinary day -- which is never so ordinary at all.  Something sparked our conversation to talking about God and that everyone does not believe in Him.

"But what about the proof of God?" she asked.

And before I could even say anything, she said, "The proof of God is everywhere.  You just have to walk into the woods.  And see God did this."











Out of the mouths of babes, His glory shines.  The awe of God is so obvious to them.  Children are not surprised by Him at all, but recognize what is beautiful, unexpected, and inexplicable.  There is so much that we are distracted from and miss entirely, even that which is pointblank before us.

Walk into this day like a six-year-old.  Capture the wonders of His faithfulness all around you.  It is not that God will show up.  He is already here and continues to reveal Himself.   We are the ones who need to show up.

And see the forest and the trees.


For you shall go out in joy

and be led forth in peace;

the mountains and the hills before you

shall break forth into singing,

and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

                          Isaiah 55. 12

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