Friday, December 22, 2023

The Red Scarf of Courage


In Esther Averill’s classic children’s stories, The Cat Club, old Captain Tinker knit a bright red scarf for his tiny shy black cat named Jenny Linsky.  “How brave she felt when she was wearing it,” she discovered in the very first chapter.

All through the series of books, shy Jenny Linsky pops up in the illustrations, quick to spot by the red scarf she wears into her predicaments and adventures.











Our grandchildren call it “the red scarf of courage,” for all those times when we need a little bravery in awkward, unknown, or a little bit overwhelming situations.  We all recognize that the scarf itself does not lend any kind of special strength or fortitude, but it is a reminder that we do not walk in this world alone. God is with us.  We all need a little bit of courage from time to time.

As we encounter the hard stuff of life, that proverbial red woolen scarf is a reminder to pray His strength over ours. 

A red scarf is not like a cape that turns us into any kind of superhero, nor provide for us any kind of special powers, but draws our attention to walk with the Almighty.  It reminds us to pray for God’s courage.  But it also reminds us to pray a “red scarf” for others.  I may not be able to help, nor alter a situation, but I can always pray God’s encouragement for those around me.

May God make us aware not just of our own need for Him, but realizing that the bravest thing we can often do is to give that red scarf of courage to someone else, even before we realize how much they need it.  Encouragement is never an unwanted gift. It is most often a surprise.  And always a needed bit of God's strength, far more than we know.

Courage is one of God's gifts to us to navigate this broken and often scary world.  Throughout Scripture, God reminds us over and over again:  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1. 9











Wear your red scarf of courage today.  Like shy little Jenny Linsky, it changes what we do and how we do it. It is a tangible reminder that God says I am with you.  And to let others know the same.

Give red scarves this Christmas.  Lots of them.













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