Monday, December 9, 2013

Book Warning

Warning to all grandma's!

This chilly December afternoon during rest time, my granddaughter selected a few books for us to read while we snuggled under the covers.  There was a story about the animals in the stable on Christmas Eve.  There was the tale of Marvin K. Mooney, quick and funny.  And then, she pulled out Love You Forever.

Oh, I thought.  I remember that one from when our girls were little.  But as I read, it was apparent that I didn't remember it well enough.

I was ok through the first few pages, but then, as the child grew and the mama got older, my throat began to tighten and my voice became a little weaker each time on the chorus:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

Four-year-old Maggie thought I was leaving off the last couple of lines for her to finish for me.  By then, she wasn't looking at the book, but at me.  Tears were dripping down my cheeks. "Are you ok, gramma?" she asked.

I just nodded.

And she gave me a hug.

So even to old age and gray hairs,
O God, do not forsake me,
until I proclaim Your might
            to another generation,
Your power to all those to come.

                         Proverbs 71.18

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