Monday, February 10, 2014

Emotion Replacement Therapy

Every woman knows the tsunami of emotions that rise up out of nowhere, create havoc in our hearts, and take captive our common sense. Where did that come from?

And what if when we felt that surge of feelings emerge within us, we replaced them with grace.  Just as I recently took physical therapy for my injured foot, what if we took up grace therapy for our hearts.

In physics, Newton's third law of motion states, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."  Forces always come in pairs.  What if I replaced my usual passionate reaction with an intentional Christ-like response?

Replace a criticism
                 with an equally potent praise.
Replace grumbling
                 with verbal thanks.
Replace the grip of anxiety
                 with fervent prayer.
Replace chains of fear
           with the power of memorized Scripture.
Replace depressed thoughts
                with actively serving others.
Replace a bad attitude
            with His vision for the situation.
And see with different eyes
                  and a changed heart.

Therapy is not a magic pill,
          but a long change within.

Let's not forget that small emotions
are the great captains of our lives.
             --Vincent van Gogh  1889

The other day, I put on a new pair of running shoes that I had been storing in my closet for when I can run again.  I was surprised at how good they felt. I had no idea the difference they would make.

Choose to put on the new nature of Christ,
       no matter how comfortable the old has become.
You may surprise someone.
       ...and that may even be yourself.
Slow repeated actions create changes within.

Let me choose that
            which honors God.

Whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is just,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is gracious,
if there is any excellence,
if there is anything worthy of praise,
         think about these things.

                      Philippians 4.8

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