Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Because the cookies won't last

When our oldest daughter went off to college, a long five and a half hours away, I felt a strong need to send her something more than an occasional care package.

Soon after she left, I read a particularly poignant verse while reading the Bible that morning, a verse that I wanted to share to encourage her as she began her college life.  Those were the ancient days before most people had cell phones.  Texting had not been invented.  And phone calls were limited to when she was actually in her room to answer the landline -- which was not very often.

But we had email.

And so, that morning, I sent her an encouraging verse of scripture. And in the subject line, I typed, "du jour."  A verse for the day!

The next morning, I did the same. And the next.  And the next. And the next.  She rarely responded, but occasionally, she would send me a note, "That was EXACTLY what I needed today."  God's Word encouraged and strengthened her in both quiet and mighty ways, supplementing her own pursuit in Scripture.  And sometimes in her busyness, it was the only Word that she carried with her into her day.

When our next daughter went off to college, I added her email address to "du jour."  And in turn, our next daughter.  And finally, our youngest.  Along the line, two son-in-laws were added to the list.  For a couple of years, two friends asked for the verses as they were going through tough seasons.

God's Word encourages, strengthens, guides us in the most intricate details of our lives.  God changes us through it.

To accomodate others who have desired this daily bit of Scripture, my other blog was born ( Click here to view today's verse or to subscribe yourself or a loved one to the daily email.

Because while I would love to send you -- or your college student -- some homemade cookies to encourage you, God's Word will last a lot longer in your life :)

Your Word is a lamp to my feet,
and a light to my path.

                       Psalm 119. 105

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