Wednesday, March 23, 2016

If you see something, say something

Even as I am writing this, I looked up for just a fraction of a second.  There, running across the road and up the shaggy un-mown hill, was a red fox.  I have never seen one in this area.  And I would have missed it if I had not been looking.  The creature moved so fast that I was unable to snap a picture with my phone. It scurried through the tall weeds on its tiny foxy feet, here for just a moment and gone the next, like so many opportunities to share Jesus in one way or another.  Open my eyes, O LORD, to what is around me, to those who are right in front of my eyes.

I have found when I share the gospel with someone, there is inevitably a grandfather, a parent, an aunt, a sibling or a good friend, who is a believer and who has been praying, sometimes for years, not just for them, but for a believer to come into their lives.  God works through relationships more powerfully than anything else. 

In the New York subway system, there are reminders in unexpected places to be on the alert.

I would change that sign to read, "If you see someone, say something."

"Bring the name of Jesus there," said the late Henri Nouwen in his book In The Name of Jesus.  Into that conversation.  Into that relationship.  Into all that you do.  Find a place in your day, find a place at your table.  In word and deed.  Someone is praying for that person.  Someone may be praying for YOU.  "Bring a believer into his life."  "Please, O LORD, bring someone to tell her about Jesus."

You may be that "someone,"
you may be the answer to their prayers.

...that God may open to us
a door for the Word,
to declare the mystery of Christ
...that I may make it clear,
as I ought to speak.

                       Colossians 4. 3-4

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