I was zipping through my emails at a rapid pace on my phone, separating junk mail from the significant. Delete, delete, save.
Instead of sitting in my usual morning reading chair, I stood absentmindedly in the living room overlooking the side porch-- for no particular reason, just because I was there -- or so I thought. I was trying to be efficient with my time, totally unaware of what was taking place around me. Hurry, hurry, get through this and onto the next. Reading something I wouldn't remember an hour from then, I glanced up mid-sentence. And there to my amazement, just on the other side of the glass, a black bear was meandering across the porch, just strolling along, sniffing his way, minding his own business. My husband Bill was reading a book not five feet away from me, totally oblivious to this majestic creature literally on our doorstep. A bear! I was filled with a powerful sense of awe at this rare occurrence. Bill looked up, slowly put down his book, and watched with me as this magnificent animal ambled by. "They're always there," he replied. "We just don't always see them." How many times am I totally unaware of the spectacular? If I hadn't looked up, I would have missed the wonder that the Almighty placed right before me. Because I don't look up, inquire, seek His way, I am distracted by the mundane and miss out on the extraordinary just meandering by, even like a bear in our midst. Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46. 10 Are we looking for particular answers we have crafted so carefully, or God's stamp of approval on our own agendas, or a neon sign suddenly appearing and pointing the way? Looking for something else--or looking at something else-- and missing out on the intricate details of His divine appointments, even those pointblank in front of us? And all along, there He is, waiting for us to lift up our eyes to Him, and stand speechless, not because of the fireworks or the parting of the Red Sea, but by His glory, even on what we consider the most ordinary of days. Because in God's dictionary, nothing is just ordinary. My day was not changed by seeing a bear, but my heart was by a visual reminder to live in the reality that God is with us. He is faithful. "Walk with Me." ...having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe..... Ephesians 1. 18-19 |
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