Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Place of Abiding

Where do you choose to abide today?

No matter the situation,

do you remain in a place of grumbling,

                  murmuring and dismay?

Or a place of His abiding,

       strength for today,

    strength for each moment?

Not that which is shallow and artificial

          but deep in the reality

              of His abiding.

It is not the circumstances of the day,

     but how we approach what lies before.

That choice affects everything I see

                and reverberates to everyone around me.

        The healing power of His joy

                 radiates from within and without.

How can I see this day differently

      and respond to His leading?


A cheerful heart is a good medicine,

but a downcast spirit dries up the bones.

                           Proverbs 17.22

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