Monday, November 8, 2021

Getting Unstuck

I knew it was coming -- that first 30 degree morning run of the season.  I dreaded it.  It's going to be cold!  I didn't want to go.  I was stuck on the inside looking out.

But I also knew that if I am going to run at all this winter, I needed to get out there.  I just had to remember how to dress for it.  By the end of the winter, I will again know the right combinations for each temperature--whether 20 degrees or 50 -- a t-shirt under a long-sleeve, when to wear a jacket, gloves or even a hat.  Those who embark on outdoor adventures know what matters most is not the plummeting temperatures or harsh weather but how you approach it by what you wear.  Wisdom is embedded by experience.  Dress in layers and get out there.











God's Word talks a lot about what to wear to any occasion and in all circumstances.  Not just the red scarf of courage, but layers of love and grace and pockets full of kindness to give away. Not armor to wear to a disaster, but forgiveness and a compassionate heart, even on the every days in the neighborhood, even in the unexpected, even in the most unlikely places.  God shows us how to get unstuck by preparing us and equipping us beyond the phantoms of our dread so that we may respond to His nudges.

Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved,

compassionate hearts, kindness, humility,

meekness, and patience,

bearing one another,

and if one has a complaint against another,

forgiving each other,

as the Lord has forgiven you,

        so you also must forgive.

And above all these

put on love,

which binds everything together

           in perfect harmony.

                  Colossians 3. 12-14

And so this brisk morning, I pulled an old long-sleeve from the bottom of my drawer, found my fleece still hanging on the hook, grabbed a thin pair of mittens just in case, and headed out to the frosty park.  I ran outside my comfort zone.  Not surprisingly, it was far better than I could have imagined-- a beautiful and refreshing experience outside with crisp cold air, a mosaic of colorful leaves on the path, and under the canopy of a sheer blue sky.  I am so grateful I did not miss that.  I did not just endure.  In getting out--even in my reluctance-- God gave me exactly what I needed.  Obedience to God brings with it strength for today in whatever I will face and bright hope for the days ahead.  Not the world's "you can do it."  But God's "I am with you."

Our circumstances may stay the same.  But I can approach what is on my path with a new heart and mind, no matter the conditions.  What am I wearing into this situation?  And am I walking with Him?

We all struggle with things a lot scarier, riskier, more consequential and overwhelming than a cold morning run.  But we need not be paralyzed by them.  God never promised that life in this broken world would be easy, but gave us His Word over and over again, "Do not be afraid. I am with you."  We are not alone.  And He embraces us with His strength and grace.

The key to getting unstuck is to trust God, dress in layers, and get out there, choosing to get out of the miry bog --or just out the door --by even taking one step, and then another.  His faithfulness covers us, even in our scary places.  Just do something.  Trust Him in this.

God will surprise you.

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