Lately I have been deluged, by things necessary, by things daily, by things that have no business being there, by things urgent and those that scream for IMMEDIATE attention. Many times my inbox is comprised of things that I should have paid attention to or deleted without reading or put in spam alert.
There is a lot of good stuff out there, really good stuff, but when I last looked, there are still only 24 hours a day and I don't stay on the computer long enough to even get my feet wet, let alone wade my way through.
I find myself deleting my way through advertisements -- really, is that necessary to send DAILY alerts to buy something at Harry and David or Costco? Easy to fast forward through them.
But all in all, my inbox is out of control. I discover good stuff, really good stuff, in the form of blogs and daily devotionals piling up like snow on our driveway, flake by flake. Pretty soon, I come back after a few days of internet sabbath, and there are 256 unread emails in my inbox. And of course, there are still waiting in line (please just take a number and be patient) all those that I have saved up to read in the proverbial "later." I find myself surfing through "new mail" for "personal" emails, like wading through the post office mail for a REAL letter, always welcome and refreshing.
So,keep the REAL mail coming, friends, just give me some advice how you handle the valuables in YOUR inbox.
In Our Comings And Goings
If you walk in My statutes
and observe My commandments
and do them......
Leviticus 26. 3
(It is not a matter of what
we say we beli...
15 hours ago
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