It’s the day after Easter, but because of what happened yesterday, it is not just another Monday. Easter changes everything.
Easter is about hope, not wishful thinking or positive energy as the world sees it, but hope in the Bible which means that on which you can stake your life. We rejoiced yesterday in that hope. One of our daughters shared that in her church’s service, the people spontaneously rose up and CHEERED after the songs of Resurrection, including the Hallelujah Chorus. That is the way it ought to be. Easter is not just another Sunday. And the day after, well, we are confronted with the reality that Jesus is alive. He is risen. “INDEED!” replies our two-year-old granddaughter.
Easter is not over. Because of the Resurrection, nothing will ever be the same.
This day after Easter, I wanted to share this short video about a young man whose life is based on that hope. Please watch and listen to his words. I guarantee that it will change your day.
Never give up, Nick says.
Seek the LORD and His strength,
seek His presence continually.
Psalm 105.4
In Our Comings And Goings
If you walk in My statutes
and observe My commandments
and do them......
Leviticus 26. 3
(It is not a matter of what
we say we beli...
6 hours ago
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