Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Particular Grace


The commuters were dressed in what appeared to be uniforms of winter grey and brown, reflecting their demeanor as if they were catching the early train to nowhere instead of the city. They gathered on the platform, eyes blind to those standing next to them, minds already bogged down by the day ahead.  Scattered walkers in the park, dressed in sweats or hoping their huge coats disguised the fact that they were still wearing mismatched pajamas, hurried their dogs along in the chilly morning air.  I felt like I was flying through the October crispness, a run smuggled in before the rush of the day.  I was oblivious to the first mile and a half of my route, fast-forwarding through what I needed to get done.  The crunch of the dusty gravel path and the sight of a vicious looking black dog brought me back to reality.  I took a slight detour through the dewy grass to avoid a confrontation with the huge canine pulling at his master’s leash.  Out of danger, something quite suddenly caught my eye on the other side of the pond.  In the midst of a rather mundane landscape of tired trees, stood a single tree distinguished and radiant, as if reflecting the glory of God.  The other trees appeared muted and reluctant, going through the motions of the season, but this one, there was something different there.

THAT is what grace looks like,

             a transformed life thriving amidst mediocrity,

      the touch of God’s Presence in the face of unbelief,

   the reality of a heart renewed,

bringing light and inexplicable passion

             to a hazy world starved for hope.

Live like that.

…walk as children of light…

                      Ephesians 5.8

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