Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lord, Make it Enough

A sweet friend spent years living on the edge, caring night and day for a handicapped son.  There were multiple surgeries, many narrow squeaks, and the overwhelming demands of a growing family intensified by her lack of sleep.  She shared with me once that her cry out to God after many a sleepless night was, “Lord, make it enough.”  And God would provide.  She learned not to dwell on “I am running on empty,” but “Lord, make it enough.”

We have all been there in one fashion or another.  And the evil one seeks to pull each one of us down into the miry bog of seeing life without God’s intervention.  But He is still there.

The disciples cried out to Jesus, “All we have are five stale biscuits and a couple of cold fish nuggets.”

And God made it enough.  “All ate and were satisfied.  And they took up what was left over, twelve baskets of broken pieces.” (Luke 9. 17)

The solution was not personal ingenuity or “thinking positive,” or even deliverance from the situation,  but God’s blessing on it.  Hold up your impossible situation to Him, look to heaven, and let Him bless it.  His blessing will sneak into your life today in unexpected ways, despite the storm around you…or the parched wilderness.   And in one way or another, you will see it before your very eyes.  He will redeem.

Your situation may not change, but God can change you.  That is even better.  Get ready to stand amazed.

“Lord, make it enough.”

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