I am not an early bird, but God has used early mornings to order my days through the reading of His Word, a mug of hot coffee in one hand to revive me and a pen in the other to write down what I learn. As I soak up Scripture, He prepares me for the day ahead and guides my heart to seek Him even more in it. And in this way, God is not just part of my day --ok, done with that, check it off -- He covers it all.
I see my day from a totally different perspective because I have spent time with Him. That is the difference between God being prominent and God being pre-imminent. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together (Colossians 1.17)
Trust me. It will change your life.
When I was a sleep-deprived young mom with three daughters ages 3 1/2 and younger, an ancient woman in my church told me, "Read God's Word first -- not the mail, not flipping through a catalog, not another book." As crazy as my life was at that time, I learned to seek out that pocket of time in my day to read Scripture. Sometimes early, sometimes late, or somewhere in-between. God will give it to you. Just make God's Word the first thing you read.
I had coffee this week with a good friend who is mom to three small children. She is still in that season of diapers, naps, and two-year-olds screaming in the carseat. She confessed that she had probably not read a book in ten years. But she reads God's Word every day. And she can run circles around anyone I know when it comes to memorizing verses. When she can't read it, she can recite it.
One of the passages I read this morning was Psalm 139 which should be subtitled "Precious in His Sight." God loves you. He has always loved you. As I was reading these familiar and wonderful words, even in its familiarity, God drew my eyes to another dimension of the passage.
"Your eyes beheld my unformed substance;
in Your book were written,
every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them."
Psalm 139.16
This day is one of them.
I am precious in His sight. But so is this day. It is a gift from God. He is not just in control. He has already gone before me, preparing my day, preparing my way, that I may follow Him into it.
This day was formed for me
when as yet there was none of them.
May I not just fill it
but let Him fulfill it.
May I see it as it is,
precious in His sight.
In Our Comings And Goings
If you walk in My statutes
and observe My commandments
and do them......
Leviticus 26. 3
(It is not a matter of what
we say we beli...
6 hours ago
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