Somehow we have come to believe that the things most extraordinary in our lives come suddenly, when indeed, God's power is revealed incredibly in the everydayness of our lives. We tend to wait for the cataclysmic events or changes -- the fireworks -- all the while missing out on what God is doing here and now.
For most of our married life, my husband worked for a huge corporation which transferred our family to different locations every few years. Even before we moved in, even as we were buying a house, we often were thinking of "where next." After each Christmas celebration, I would carefully wrap the ornaments, not knowing where they might be unpacked on the next holiday.
Trust me, there were many times when I thought, "What are we doing here?" You may find yourself living in that same mystery, and even perhaps arguing with God about greener pastures.
Indeed, it would have been easy to let "what's next?" drive our lives. But in each of these locations -- often not where we would have chosen to live -- God focused our lives on "what today." He guided us to get involved with those around us - in community and schools and church - not waiting for the "next thing" or something big. That has taken many forms over the years for me including coordinating a supplemental reading program in the public elementary school where our girls attended, supporting the high school girls cross country team with pasta and a million Rice Krispie treats, and as I have written about before, how God led an introvert like me to teach Bible study with neighbors.
It is not just in the huge events of our lives that we see His hand, but in the daily details. "Give me eyes to see, O LORD." And in His light, there is not necessarily a path ahead of me, but a single next step. "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalm 119.105 He revealed opportunities of which I was not aware, glaring needs all around me, and purposes for being here of which I can only trust Him.
My calling is to do all things with excellence, whatever is on my plate today, in the high places and in the ditches of unrecognized labors - maybe especially in those low places. Because all work is eternally significant in God's eyes - whether lovingly changing a baby's diaper or leading a major corporation. There is no separation. All is sacred when done with His glory in mind.
The tiniest details of His creation are what makes everything work together. And that is how God uses us as well. Nothing is ordinary. Sometimes we see all those jig-saw puzzle pieces come together, and sometimes it is for another person to put in the last piece and see the picture that appears to come suddenly. My grandmother used to say, "no effort is for nought." And as it says in the book of Zechariah in the Bible, "for the day of small things is not to be despised."
Live fully in it. "What today," O LORD?
But seek the welfare of the city
where I have sent you into exile,
and pray to the LORD on its behalf,
for in its welfare
you will find your welfare.
Jeremiah 29.7
In Our Comings And Goings
If you walk in My statutes
and observe My commandments
and do them......
Leviticus 26. 3
(It is not a matter of what
we say we beli...
6 hours ago
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