Monday, December 28, 2020

All the Pieces, Not One of Them is Missing



These scattered oddly-shaped pieces pretty much look like a visible image of the year 2020. 

Throughout the year, bits and details arrived unexpectedly and uninvited into each of our lives.  Suddenly our game plans and resolutions and what was ordinary fell off the table, and our grand ideas for the year were replaced by what appeared only as random and undefined. These shapes now in our hands didn't look like they fit together at all.  It was a jigsaw puzzle without a picture that we could yet see or control after all.

But in the midst of it all -- what has been, what is, what is to come-- God continually reminds us:

"Trust Me."

And "Fear not. I am with you."

Even the unknown is not unknown to Him.


Fear not, for I am with you.

Be not dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you,

I will help you,

I will uphold you 

    with My righteous right hand.

                     Isaiah 41. 10

The pieces are mysterious to us, because we do not yet see the connections between them, nor the redeeming of each of these tiny bits as they are perfectly joined together.


And slowly, but slowly, we begin to see the patterns of His faithfulness already there.  "Oh, so that's why."  Even the shadowy places, even the jagged edges, even when we don't understand it, things don't just "work out," but they fit with precision.  Even the baffling ones.  Because someday we will comprehend and know fully.  

God reveals Himself to us daily.  God redeems our lives every minute.  Nothing missing.  No extra pieces.


He reveals deep and hidden things.

He knows what is in the darkness,

and the light dwells with Him.

                    Daniel 2. 22


And piece by sacred piece, step by divine step, moment by holy moment, we follow Him into His grand design. 

Someday on the other side of life, all this will not just make sense.  We will be awed by the Almighty.

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