Thursday, December 10, 2020

What is Missing?

Our in-town grandkids came over the other day, amazed by the Christmas decorations on the tree and the stockings hung by the chimney with care.  Our six-year-old granddaughter particularly is delighted by Advent, indeed even wearing something "Christmasy" every day, whether sporting a red scarf, plaid leggings, or dresses almost outgrown. 

I often wonder what these little ones will remember.

As she gazed at the stockings and the hearth, she suddenly exclaimed, "Something is missing!  Where is the manger?"

"Oh, it must still be in the attic," I replied.

"Please go get the manger," she directed. "I'll get baby Jesus ready."

And there among the boxes in the dark and chilly attic, our old threadbare camp chair lay, folded up and waiting.

When I returned, she had the baby doll ready, wrapped in an old blue flannel baby blanket.  She lay the baby gently on the "manger," as if honored to place Him there.

She knew, not just what was absent, but Who is the most important. 

What is missing?

That would be Jesus.




Behold, the virgin shall conceive

     and bear a son,

and they shall call His name


which means God with us.

                Matthew 1. 23

                Isaiah 7. 14

And nothing but nothing

   will ever be the same.

Joy to the World!

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